Systems will stop being explicitly perceptible via HCI components

Tiago Martins Peres 李大仁
3 min readNov 13, 2017

In the future, the interfaces and devices of human-computer interaction will be completely integrated in the objects and environment where human activity takes place.

This world calls for real concentration. Are you still able to mono-task? 😜


Digital systems, such as phones, computers and Hololens or oculus Rift, place continuous demands on our cognitive and perceptual systems [1].
These are opportunities for information and interaction well above our processing abilities, and often interrupt our activity (as you can see in the introduction to the chapter 3 of Preece et al. [2], where a situation is created hypothetical, but noticeable / understandable on current days, where a person has a task to deliver the next day and the devices are almost like competing for his / her an attention).

Appropriate allocation of attention is one of the key factors that determine success in creative activities, learning and among other human activities. Attention involves listening and / or visual senses, allowing us to focus on something we are doing. An ease or difficulty of allocation depends if we have clear objectives and if the information is salient in the environment [2].

Taking the #InformationVisualization viewpoint (InfoViz), I’m quite interested in the world of #BigData with #VirtualReality. Today, the world of information is very limited to 2D and 3D. However, interesting tools begin to appear that attempt to address this data growth, dealing with problems such as rendering, human limitations in perception, and / or hyper-dimensions, allowing visualizations from various perspectives.

There are two projects that make sense to mention given the relevance:
1. Use Oculus Rift for Salesforce manipulated objects in virtual reality [3];
2. California Institute of Technology, responsible for creating the tool, which allows immersion and multi-dimensional data vision [4].

With the use of more virtual realities, where objects are possible to see and interact almost as in a real way, it is possible, for example, to understand much more information in a shorter time, due to complete immersion and an observation through various perspectives / with more “movements”.

“It’s admirable the speed with which we are adapting to the technological paradise” ~ McKay, E.

According to McKay [5], it’s admirable the speed with which we are adapting to the technological paradise. Our reliance on technological solutions casts a favor on the Dreyfus & Dreyfus prediction that humans may one day reach the point where our ability to make a distinction between what is natural and technological is saturated with our blindness to understand if there is difference.

I believe that, over time, technological advances and this will / demand to know more / get more knowledge is very difficult to withdraw the human focus from technology, so, i assume we navigate to a point where as interfaces and human-computer interaction devices will be integrated in the objects and surroundings / environment in a more intense way.

It will require all the involvement of neuroscience, psychology, and experts in interactions, so as to be apt for any kind of problems that can be warned (we are already talking about depressions in young people caused by the use of social media [6]) but also being ready to educate the population to make the most of it (for example, there are articles that seek to use technology to improve aging [7] or even in the InfoViz example I mentioned previously).

Using this opportunity to share with you a small documentary that takes place in the slums of the future, in the home of some “virtual addicts”. In addition to being what we want, we can live as we want and in the way we want, so easily [8].

[1] Roda, C. (2011). Human attention in digital environments.
[2] Preece et al., Interaction Design — in addition to the man-man interaction, 4th edition
[5] McKay, E. (2008). The Human Dimensions of Human-Computer Interaction: Balancing the HCI Equation.
[7] Queirós et al. (2017). Technologies for aging in place to support older adults in the city.



Tiago Martins Peres 李大仁

💻 Skilled software engineer with experience in 🌐 web app development, 💾 info systems, and 📈 project management. Ready to tackle any 💪 challenge! 🚀